- Neelesh Kumar, Dinesh Panakj, Davinder Pal Singh, Harpinder Kaur Gill, Dr Amod Kumar, Dr B. S. Sohi “Neural Network Approach for Controlling Artificial Prosthetic Device” International Conference on Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems (WECON -08) during 18-19 October 2008 at Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajpura.
- Neelesh Kumar, Dinesh Panakj, Davinder Pal Singh, Harpinder Kaur Gill, Dr Amod Kumar, Dr B. S. Sohi “Microcontroller based module for measuring knee flexion while stair walking” International Conference on Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems (WECON -08) during 18-19 October 2008 at Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajpura.
- Neelesh Kumar, Dinesh Panakj, Davinder Pal Singh, “Industrial Communication Protocol for LINAC Machine using PC based programmable Controllers” International Conference on Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems (WECON -08) during 18-19 October 2008 at Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajpura
- Neelesh Kumar, Dinesh Panakj, Davinder Pal Singh, Harpinder Kaur Gill, Dr Amod Kumar, Dr B. S. Sohi “Intelligent Prosthetic Device: An embedded system approach” International Rehab Conference 2008 (IRC 2008) 3-5 December 2008 at Department Of Rehabilitation Science Holy Cross College Tiruchirappalli 620 002
- Nissan Kunju, Neelesh Kumar, Dinesh Pankaj, Sanjeev Soni, Davinder Pal Singh, Quantification of Prosthetic Devices using Camera Based Gait Analysis, Symposium on Advanced Clinical Gait Analysis at ITS, Ghaziabad during 6-7 December 2008
- Shubhangi, Neelesh Kumar*, Dinesh Pankaj, Davinder Pal Singh, Osteoporosis Estimation Tool Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Approach Using Diagnostic Imaging, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC’09) during March 6-7, 2009 at Thapar Patiala.
- Davinder Pal Singh, Neelesh Kumar, Dinesh Pankaj, Algorithm for Control of Prosthetic Knee Joint, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC’09) during March 6-7, 2009 at Thapar Patiala.
- Nissan Kunju, Neelesh Kumar, Dinesh Pankaj, Davinder Pal Singh, “Algorithm for Kinematics Measurement using Active Markers”, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC’09) during March 6- 7, 2009 at Thapar Patiala published in IEEE Xplore Computer society. ISBN 978-981 -08 -2465-5 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ IADCC. 2009. 4809041
- Neelesh Kumar, Davinder Pal Singh, Amod Kumar, B. S. Sohi “Temporal Parameters Mapping of Foot using PVDF Films and FSR”, Published in International Journal of Bioinformatics, ISSN: 0974-6439, Vol. 2 issue 1 Jan- July 2009 pp 39-41
- Neelesh Kumar, Dinesh Pankaj, Davinder Pal Singh, Sanjeev Soni,Amod Kumar, B S Sohi “Real-Time Control of an Electronic Knee Joint” International Conference on Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems (WECON -09) during 23-24 October 2008 at Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajpura.
- Neelesh Kumar, Davinder Pal Singh, Amod Kumar, B S Sohi Spatiotemporal Parameters Measurement of Human Gait using Developed FSR for Prosthetic Knee Joint, published in International J. Medical Engineering and Informatics Vol. 2 (4), 2010, pp.389-394.
- Neelesh Kumar, Dinesh Pankaj, Sanjeev Soni, Davinder Pal Singh, Nissan Kunju, Binish Thomas*, Dr. Amod Kumar, Online Bone Alignment using Ultrasound Imaging, International conference on emerging trends in Electronics & Communications, Indo-global College Abhipur Punjab on 11 September 2009.
- Neelesh Kumar, Dinesh Pankaj, Davinder Pal Singh, Sanjeev Soni, Amod Kumar, BS Sohi, Real time Control of an Electronic knee joint, International Conference on Wireless Networks & Embedded Systems WECON 2009 during 23-24 October 2009 at Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajpura.
- Davinder Pal Singh, Neelesh Kumar, Dinesh Pankaj, Sanjeev Soni, Amod Kumar; Prototyping Electronic Knee joint Using Magnetic Particle Brake, National Conference on Emerging Medical Instrumentation (CEMI 2010), Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh during 11-12 May 2010.
- Neelesh Kumar, Davinder Pal Singh, Dinesh Pankaj, Sanjeev Soni, Amod Kumar, BS Sohi, “Instrumented Gait Analysis for Development of Electronic Knee“, International Conference on Biomedical Engineering & Assistive Technologies, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar during 17-19 December 2010.
- Neelesh Kumar, Davinder Pal Singh, Dinesh Pankaj, Sanjeev Soni, Amod Kumar, Exoskeleton devices for rehabilitation of stroke patients using SEMG during isometric contraction, Proceedings of the International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (ICCRC 2011) was held during March 21-23, 2011, New Delhi, India.