Tevo Tarantula Z- Axis Nut Fix

Tevo Tarantula Z- Axis Nut Fix


Fixing Tevo Tarnatula 3D printer Z Nut holding plate.  The printer is working this 3 mm acrylic Z-nut mount. A limit switch miss resulted this:

Permanent Solution to this problem is a aluminium mount for the Z-axis nut.

Start with aluminium angle

Drilling the holes











Assembling the Mount on printer.

Arduino Interface for Alcohol (MQ-3) Sensor

Alcohol sensors are commonly available these days and a simple breath analyzer can be constructed using an Arduino board. This alcohol sensor MQ-3 has  digital as well as analog out pin.  For a quick implementation digital output can be used. Only a bunch of  things are required for the interface..

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Testing Robotic Arm motor with Arduino + L293D

Arduino provides very simple approach for many interfaces.  This is a beginner’s tutorial of testing a robotic arm with arduino board and driver IC.  As arduino itself cannot deliver the required current to motors a driver is required. The robotic arm in this experiment uses DC gear motors that can be easily drive using the well-known L293D driver. L293D is basically a quadruple Continue reading “Testing Robotic Arm motor with Arduino + L293D”